Bomb Alley Kid 2011

Bomb Alley Kid 2011
Title plate created by Ronnie B Goodwin

Friday 2 September 2011

after 45 No 4

                                                                             LIFE AFTER 1945.No 4

The Monday arrives, and  I have to start work so I catch the bus to Canterbury,but I confess I feel a little nervous because I dont know exactly what I will be doing, so arriving at the depot I meet the manager  Mr Moyse.,who thinks the best thing for me to start with, would be in the packing department, where everything is packed and  taken to the post office for distributation to there clients, so thats my job  to start with, and I have to enter everything into a post book so that there is a record of the goods being sent.and what  the postage is on them,so thats my first day at work and I quite enjoyed it.we sell  everything that the dentist use, and the Dental Technicians use, the technicians are the men who make the actual false teeth,and crowns inlays etc.I have now worked here for some time, and have saved enough money to think I could buy a new cycle,so will start looking at the different cycles that are for the shops.eventuauly I decide that I like the new racing bike,that has  three speeds,but it costs trwenty pounds so if I want this one I will have to pay some of it with installments because its more than I have saved up, My dad isnt too keen on me doing this because he dosnt beleive in buying  this way.but he say he will sign the agreement so that I can buy I  put down my ten pounds,and this means I can have the a couple of last the day come when I can pick up the bkie and ride it home,I  must say I like it even more  now that its all made up and I can ride it,so I feel  on top of the world, and very happy ,now I will be able to ride to work every day so saving the bus fare which will now go to  help in paying  off the hire purchase account. I will be  doing about twelve miles a day going to and from work,and home for lunch time.also I will be able to go out with my pals,like Len Smith. Brian Southern .Allan fuller, Johny Kirkham,Allans dad is the local Police Seargent for our area, and he lives in broad Oak,so  now we can all  ride up to meet Allen and go for faily long rides into the country,sometimes even to Herne bay,which is a twlve mile round trip.Must confess its great to be able to go places together.we even meet to ride to work in the mornings..   

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